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The true sign of intelligence is imagination and we at Artsy Craftsy foster it through art and craft. Our skillfully designed course equips kid with the right skills at the right time. From drawing simple lines with pencils to creating master pieces from the stroke of your brush, we have covered it all.

Art Courses for Age 4-14 Years


Junior Beginners(4-6 Years)

Course Starts with

  • Understanding of lines and patterns

  • Understanding of shapes and forms

  • Curved Line and patterns

  • Introduction to abstracts

And gradually move to

  • Colour Study, Unidirectional Colouring, Shading and Blending

  • Motor skill development activity using basic forms of art

  • Handling of paints and brush and colour

  • Study of Curve line objects

  • Study of foliage and landscape level I

  • How to draw step by step beautiful interactive art


   Material List      Time Slots      FEE


Course Duration: 1.5 Years              Sessions:120-130

Imagination is more important than Knowledge – Albert Einstein

Junior Learners(6-8 Years)

We teach them some advanced concepts including

  • Study of colors and paints and forming new colors and blends

  • Study of line, form, value, texture and space

  • Using objects in simple backgrounds

  • Study of curved lines and curved line objects with backgrounds

 The next level of concepts include

  • Perspective study

  • Animal and Bird study

  • Art History & Art Medium

  • creating landscape in real and abstract forms

  • Human form and cartoons


   Material List          Time Slots      FEE


Course Duration: 1.5 Years              Sessions:120-130

Creativity is Contagious. Pass it on. – Albert Einstein

Senior Seekers(8-11 Years)

 The Children are ready to learn following

  • Basics of pencil sketching and shading

  • Basics of live object drawing

  • Basics of water colors, tips and techniques

  • Still life drawing

  • Composite drawing

  • Abstract and landscapes

  • Styles of various art masters-art history

  • Various Art Medium

  • Other art forms Graffilti, popart, zentangles, doodling

  • Basics of Acrylics, glass paints, color pencils, soft pastels, charcoal

  • Traditional art warli, Madhubani


   Material List         Time Slots      FEE


  • Course Duration: 3 Years              Sessions: 250+

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up – Pablo Picasso

Senior Expressors(11-14 Years) Your teen is now ready to learn the following

  • Free hand composition of live still objects

  • Water colour on water colour sheets

  • Study of still life landscape ,figures (animal, birds, basic human)proportion and figure, drawings in pencil sketching and water colours

  • Art History & Art Medium

  • Free hand topic based memory drawing


   Material List      Time Slots       FEE


Course Duration: 3 Years              Sessions: Open


Art is as Natural as Sunshine and as Vital as Nourishment – Mary Ann F. Kohl

Art Therapy Course(For Adults) 


Create a master piece using any art medium/form like Soft Pastel, Acrylic Painting, Water Colour, Sketching, Mandala Art, Madhubani Art, Warli Art


    Material List            Batch Schedule

Parents Testemonials (2).jpg

Ashwini Jandial

Artsy Crafty has been a great discovery for us! For more than two years now, my son has been part of this family. He loves painting and looks forward to her classes. In addition to the different forms of art and techniques that are taught, to me the most heartening part is that my son has picked up the creativity, and joy of painting and craft. He goes beyond her class hours and instructions to try different types of arts.
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My daughter joined Artsy Craftsy 4 months back . She is learning & enjoying a lot in every session. The sessions have been formulated in a professional manner. The kids receive individual attention which certainly enhances , as they say it, “ the joy of creating “
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Lakshmi Shankaran

My ward has been taking artsyCraftsy classes since 2021 and she is loving it. She can leave any other work for attending ArtsyCraftsy classes. Really the Art team at ArtsyCraftsy are amazingly talented and our kids are turning to be so wonderful little artists.
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